
Hungary is a country located in Central Europe, bordered by Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, and Slovenia. It has a population of around 9.8 million people, and the official language is Hungarian and the currency is the Hungarian forint.

The economy of Hungary is based on a mix of industry, services, and agriculture. The country has a well-developed infrastructure and a skilled workforce, which has attracted foreign investment. The manufacturing sector, particularly automotive and electronics industry, is a significant contributor to the economy. The service sector, including tourism, is also an important part of the economy. However, the country has been facing economic challenges in recent years, including high levels of debt and a large trade deficit.

Hungary is known for its rich culture and history, with many historical sites and monuments, such as the Buda Castle and the Hungarian Parliament Building. The country has a rich architectural heritage, including Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, and Art Nouveau buildings. Hungary is also famous for its music, dance, folk art, and cuisine.

The country has a temperate climate, with four distinct seasons. Hungary has a rich natural heritage, from the Great Hungarian Plain to the forested hills of the North, and the vineyards of the South. The country has a long and complex history, with influences from the Roman Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire.... Show more

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Country History Significant events of the country throughout history

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