
Sudan, officially known as the Republic of Sudan, is a country located in northeastern Africa, bordered by Egypt to the north, Libya to the northwest, Chad to the west, the Central African Republic to the southwest, South Sudan to the south, Ethiopia to the southeast, and Eritrea to the east. The capital and largest city is Khartoum. The official language is Arabic and the currency is the Sudanese pound. The population of Sudan is approximately 42 million.

Sudan has a diverse culture, with influences from its various ethnic groups, including the Arab, Nubian, and Beja peoples. The country has a tropical climate, with a rainy season and a dry season. Sudan is known for its natural beauty, including the Nile River, the Nubian Desert, and the Red Sea coast.

Sudan has a developing economy and is a leading producer of cotton, wheat, and peanuts. The country is also known for its rich history, including ancient civilizations such as the Kingdom of Kush and the Meroitic Empire.

Sudan has a long history of political turmoil and civil war, including the ongoing conflict in Darfur. The country was split into two countries in 2011 with the independence of South Sudan. Since then, the government has been working to stabilize the country, but the situation remains fragile, with ongoing conflicts in multiple regions, and the human rights situation is considered poor.

Sudan is also known for its rich history of Islamic civilization, and it's home to many historical Islamic sites and universities such as the University of Al-Azhar in Khartoum, which is considered one of the oldest universities in the world. Sudan is also home to many ancient civilizations such as the Kingdom of Meroe, which is known for its iron-working technology, and the Kingdom of Nubia, which controlled a region along the Nile river.... Show more

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